Welcome to the website of Kansantaloustieteen opiskelijat ry (KTTO ry), the association for students of economics at the University of Helsinki. Founded in 1959, the association is committed to safeguarding the interests and improving the general welfare of its members in the fields of leisure, study and work. We organize various events ranging from academic panel discussions and company visits to cultural excursions and kickass parties. Moreover, KTTO is the main link between students and the department’s staff and has a say in certain administrative matters. We also publish a quarterly magazine, Kapitaali, and our nearly unbeatable football team, KTTO ’59, is a leading champion.
All students majoring in economics at the University of Helsinki are automatically members of KTTO, but also others can apply for membership. For more information, please contact the board.
The Department of Economics
Our department is a part of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the largest of its kind in Finland. The department is located in the Economicum building, Arkadiankatu 7. Under the same roof are the departments of economics of Helsinki School of Economics and Hanken School of Economics as well as Helsinki Center for Economic Research and Government Institute for Economic Research, making it the largest center of education and research in the field of economics in Finland.
Contact us
You can send us email via ktto-hallitus[at]helsinki.fi
You’ll find the names and contact information of all board members here.
Stay posted
KTTO maintains very own mailing list. It provides information and announcements about events and other study-related (and sometimes not-so-study-related) activities. Emails are usually translated in English below the Finnish text. Name of this list is ktto-lista. The faculty’s student association Kannunvalajat also has a mailing list kaapelin-valajat. Again, most of the content in ”kaapelin-valajat” are translated in English. To subscribe a list, send an e-mail containing only the text subscribe mailing-list (e.g. subscribe ktto-lista) to majordomo[at]helsinki.fi. Leave the subject field blank. Unsubscribing is done in the same fashion, but the message now being unsubscribe mailing-list. For any problems related to mailing list, you can always contact our communications person at tiedottaja[at]ktto.fi.
In addition to the disciplinal student associations there’s also a student association for international students, Committee of International Social Scientists at the University of Helsinki or in short, CISSI.
Feel free to join CISSI’s Facebook group or like their Facebook page!
CISSI has their own mailing list CISSI-news, which is used to channel information about coming events, although most emails in the “kaapelin-valajat”-mailing list are translated as well.
KTTO welcomes all international degree and exchange students to join its activities!
Make the most out of your time in Finland!
Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (Helsinki GSE)
Helsinki Graduate School of Economics is an alliance of three Finnish universities bringing together the best in economics education and research. Helsinki GSE is an academic initiative bringing together three Finnish universities – Aalto University, Hanken School of Economics, and University of Helsinki.